Eye-catching pies decorated with scary looking edible Monsters from popular movies, books, and TV shows baked for Halloween season.
Eye-catching pies decorated with scary looking edible Monsters from popular movies, books, and TV shows baked for Halloween season.
Creative billboards promoting McDonald’s fast food products feature large teeth marks and bites taken out of Big Mac burgers and McDonald’s fries.
Hand carved walking sticks, unique human faces, and sculptures of animals made out of reclaimed found wood.
Creative milk packaging from Russia features silhouettes of blue cats printed on milk cartons that can be arranged in different positions.
Creative billboards in Italy feature invisible Coca-Cola bottle in the form of an outline created by your imagination.
Swedish furniture and home accessories IKEA stores are selling blue hats inspired by their recognizable shopping bags.
Creative planter for people who regularly forget to water their plants includes rotating platform with the date of the last watering.
Innovative dress with collapsible hoop skirt design provides total freedom of movement and folds flat for easy storage.