Marble Inflatable Chair

Marble Inflatable Chair

Creative sculpture of a marble chair that looks like a plastic inflatable chair serves as a reminder to seek the truth beyond appearances.

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Fluffy Classic Paintings

Fluffy Classic Paintings

World famous paintings like Mona Lisa, The Starry Night, and The Scream recreated out of soft fur and made three-dimensional.

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Bigfoot High Heel Shoes

Bigfoot High Heel Shoes

Eye-catching shoes designed to look like giant feet of a legendary Sasquatch creature give you the ability to leave behind strange footprints.

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Realistic Frog Clutch Bag

Realistic Frog Clutch Bag

Creative handbag shaped to look like realistic green frog is leaping into the fashion scene.

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Miniature Animal Earrings

Miniature Animal Earrings

Series of 3D printed earrings designed to look like cute miniature animals will help you show off your love for the animal kingdom.
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Pure Honey by Eduardo del Fraile

Pure Honey Packaging

Reusable green and yellow honey packaging inspired by the golden ratio looks like a simple beehive and promotes sustainable consumption.

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Bronze Sculptures by Michael Alfano

Bronze Sculptures by Michael Alfano

Creative sculptures made of bronze seamlessly blend the human form with abstract concepts, resulting in surreal art that will leave you in awe.

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Matchbox Paintings by Van Gogh

Matchbox Paintings by Van Gogh

Detailed miniature reproductions of classic paintings by Vincent Van Gogh painted of the front side of matchboxes.

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3D Printed Wedding Dress

3D Printed Wedding Dress

Beautiful wedding dresses inspired by ancient symbolism are a testament to the limitless possibilities of 3D printing in the world of fashion.

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Corner Sculptures by Fabian Oefner

Corner Sculptures by Fabian Oefner

Creative sculptures of everyday items that seemingly pass through walls and defy the laws of physics.

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