Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes

Talented photographer Michael Hughes travels all over the world and takes pictures of cheap souvenirs in front of famous landmarks.

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 2

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 3

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 4

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 5

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 6

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 7

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 8

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 9

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 10

Souvenir Landmarks by Michael Hughes 11

Also check out: Looking Into the Past and The Outer Child

  1. delere

    Now that is fun and creative. Love the Abbey Road pic.

  2. SRivera


  3. sean

    this is a awesome way from keeping photography from being boring. awesome

  4. Isabelle

    this is freaking AWESOME.

  5. Mandy

    eiffel tower is mad :D

  6. Paul Sample

    oh my, i love the beatles one!!

  7. Karin L. Stewart

    Creativity is in the eye of the creator and then knows no limits!

  8. Laurie

    HA! I have that cheap san francisco souvenier. Love his work!

  9. matt

    cool! realy cool

  10. me

    luv abbey road and the bridge one…so creative!

  11. Diego

    Nice! I have a picture in the Abby Road too :)

  12. paintbot

    the people are all like: wtf?

  13. dr.dre

    Yeye. Cool concept. Seems like he could have taken another second and made the aspect ratio a bit better.Conceot is very solid though.

  14. Shameister

    I will try that too!

  15. Peter Ong

    Very nice! I would love to do that when I travel in future.

  16. fannfan

    i like the last pix.. <3 beatles

  17. Jef

    the pen in the pyramid is hilarious!

  18. Norma


  19. Ders

    meh… I like the Beatle’s one but the rest kinda look like somebody’s joke holiday shots

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