20 Unusual and Creative Packaging Designs

20 Unusual and Creative Packaging Designs

Even though the goal of modern retail packaging is to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product, clever packages can also be a great source of inspiration. This post showcases innovative and creative packaging design ideas from all over the world.

Floppy Diskette CD Packaging

“Science Vs. Witchcraft”, a band from Rochester, cleverly used 5.25″ Floppy diskettes for their CD Packaging. They removed the magnetic disk and replaced it with their CD.

Floppy Diskette CD Packaging

Meat Shorts Packaging

Weird Clothing sells meat shorts in appropriate packaging with “Human meat” label.

Meat Shorts Packaging

Reebok Exta Grip Packaging

Creative packaging idea for Reebok climbing shoes. [more info]

Reebok Exta Grip Packaging

Wine Can

This unusual wine packaging, designed by Jens Andersson and Jonas Forsman, has won the 2006 Swedish packaging design award.

Wine Can

Anti-Theft Lunch Bags

Sandwich bags that have green splotches printed on both sides, making your freshly prepared lunch look spoiled. Don’t suffer the injustice of having your sandwich stolen again! [more info]

Anti-Theft Lunch Bags

Mr. Clean Dumbbell Packaging

Tommaso Ceschi designed this lovely innovative packaging which can act as a cleaning detergent container and a dumbbell!

Mr. Clean Dumbbell Packaging

Tequila Gun Packaging

This liquor Gun looks very similar to .45 but instead of bullets it’s loaded with 200 ml of genuine Mexican tequila.

Tequila Gun Packaging

360 Paper Bottle

World’s first totally recyclable paper container made from 100% renewable resources. Versatile in its range of consumer applications and made from food-safe and fully recyclable materials, it decreases energy consumed throughout the product life cycle without sacrificing functionality.

360 Paper Bottle

Coca-Cola Ornaments

Holiday packaging by Coca-Cola, bottles that look like ornaments.

Coca-Cola Ornaments

Nike Stadium Packaging

Limited number of Nike shoeboxes were transformed to house a stadium within by inserting a printed sheet of the stadium interior with embedded sound chips. So you could hear the crowd go wild when the box was opened. [more info]

Nike Stadium Packaging

Resealable Soda Can

Creative packaging concept that allows for a soda can to be resealed called Soda-Seal.

Resealable Soda Can

Banana Guard Packaging

A robust case that ensures your banana survives your travels in perfect condition.

Banana Guard Packaging

Gloji Light Bulb Bottle

In originally designed light bulb shaped bottle, Gloji drink is all about energy, antioxidants and balanced health. Interesting package makes this product different from other drinks on the market.

Gloji Light Bulb Bottle

Chocolate Pills Packaging

A scrumptious little pill in case of emergency, no need to take with water, as your mouth will be salivating to take this pick me up.

Chocolate Pills Packaging

Dumbbell Sports Drink Packaging

Sports drink bottle design by Jin Le. Each bottle weights 0.5 kg.

Dumbbell Sports Drink Packaging

Coconut Water Packaging

Brilliant packaging for Coconut Water from the Dominican Republic.

Coconut Water Packaging

Newton Running Packaging

Molded paperboard packaging from Newton Running not only reduces waste by eliminating the need for interior tissue paper and other material commonly used in shoe packaging, it also provides a shell that is easy to stack and transport.

Newton Running Packaging

Juice Skins Packaging

Creative fruit juice packaging by Japanese industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa. [more info]

Juice Skins Packaging

Silhouette Optimized Grip Bottle

Innovative bottle design that offers ideal gripping geometry, unique shape and strong presence at the store.

Silhouette Optimized Grip Bottle

Milk Packaging

Incredible milk packaging concept designed by Julien De Repentigny and Gabriel Lefebvre. [more info]

Milk Packaging

For more examples, check out: Unique and Creative Packaging

  1. Haroon


  2. amanhem

    nice and cool designs

  3. Joanne

    Cool. I like the Milk box and the Soda Seal thing. :)

  4. FreelancerCrowd

    Pretty cool designs

  5. happyseaurchin


    deesigners are starting to apply themselves to big global problems
    and i hope to see their solutions pack as much punch as what you guys highlight here…
    in fact
    have you guys got a post that does this already…?
    inspirational global
    or at least
    huge-scale design?

  6. Torley

    Most of these are more beautiful than practical — e.g., bananas come in many sizes and curves — but fun to look at indeed.

  7. Greg

    The climbing shoe is brilliant. Very creative.

  8. Andre Dub

    soda one is dope

  9. szuman

    very nice

  10. Mela

    Some are very creative and functional.
    If you´re interested in packaging design I would recommend take a look at


    You will love them!

  11. Sklep Zoologiczny

    Milk box is simply genius!

  12. Le Minxxx

    These are pretty cool – I love the anti-theft sandwich one…classic!

  13. suzanneally

    Loved this. Daily life should be as beautiful fun creative as possible!

  14. Betty

    Mannn I love all the running shoe packages. It’s not jumping too far ahead but it adds enough punch to the current goods.

  15. Kunal


  16. seed

    Yeah i’m a proud owner of a banana guard, its really useful

  17. Online na web

    I found this fantastic package, how much creativity.

  18. neelam

    creative brilliance par excellance.

  19. Transguide

    Case for a banana? It what for?

  20. kelven cheah

    incredible design

  21. JoTan

    these are all so cool!

  22. aaliyah barbie bux

    The milk bottle an the Tequila gun is soooooooooooooo awsome!!!!! really cool website guys

  23. Omolade

    interesting inspiring designs……well done

  24. Priyanka

    very modern work liked it……………

  25. Lilian

    Outstanding designs!

  26. zat

    nice collection. I never thought that packaging can be so creative like this.

  27. niki


  28. muf

    great idea!

  29. Brian

    love the gun teqiula!!

  30. shatayu

    Really crative !!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Ken

    loving the milk one!

  32. Liliana

    So cool! Meat shortpants!

  33. kadal

    meat short rules

  34. Alice

    I can’t see how the MILK carton can be manufacturable, very blue sky.

  35. person

    i can’t believe you forgot the watson’s water bottle.

  36. JunkWaffle2010

    bananas already come in a package!

  37. shwetta

    very innovative

  38. archana (delhi)

    hi its simply……………..cool

  39. sovrabh

    waw… really creative…

  40. victoriahanna

    Well, i don’t know if this is true, but i heard that the banana guard fits any banana, no matter what shape it is.

  41. Matt Spire

    These are all cool. The milk one is innovative and all, but I’m not sure how easily that would pour, especially once it hits the M. And it sort of looks like wasteful packaging when you consider the surface area required…

  42. ali

    very good

  43. Jackey

    very nice!!!!

  44. Will

    a lot of these are super cool, but one thing I feel I must mention, the wine can thing will only interest the kind of people who are also known to use box wine. The connoiseurs, or anyone that has any grasp of the tradition of wine drinking will see this as a travesty.

  45. Preston Racette

    Wow! These are some really inspirational packaging designs!

  46. jake

    wowza these deigns are kewl!!!!!!!!!

  47. Azhar Kamar

    Truly awesome packaging designs! Love em all.

  48. Jasmine

    Wow, these packaging designs are awesome and amazing! I especially like the milk packaging design, very unique and special!

  49. mmonesi

    fantastic concepts and functional designs. Lovely stuff wonderful inspiration i may add.

  50. TB

    Great ideas! So good in fact, that I’m sadly certain that they’ll never see the light of day.

  51. Priyanka

    All are dreadfully creative designs.

  52. Stevan

    somehow i love the packaging design! it really gives me the inspirations to make my own packaging design.. creative and awesome! :D

  53. Mitch

    I’m a product designer, I have no idea how any of you can actually like the milk package.
    Its pointless and an insult to design.

    I wont even touch on manufacturing or production, I’ll simply say this. Thinkk about gravity and the flow of liquid, now think about pouring a glass of milk. And then returning the carton back to upright.

    remember to visualize the flow.
    horrible design. even for a concept.

  54. LOVELY

    i love every design! i know a designer and she loves everything especially the milk carton. She said so smart!!!!!! Make some more i’ll be happy to buy

  55. Savio

    I liked the Milk,Gun and the Reebok Ideas

  56. Ryan L

    Gives a whole new meaning to a shot of tequila.

    Seriously though, incredible designs and smart packaging. I can’t wait to try the lightbulb drink.

  57. Hayssam Dakkak

    Milk box is not practical…

  58. anil

    very creative

  59. YYM

    What wonderful desighs these are! I really appreciate it and I am looking for some packaging ideas to design a paper packaging. It is the place where I have learned a lot.

  60. Guy

    It is time that student displaying packaging ideas have a sense of awarness of how it is going to be produced.

    As an industrial designer specialized in packaging, Having a nice visual presentation is nice but producing it at the lowest cost possible is the real art here. That’s what makes your packaging sellable and making profit.

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