Tree Chairs

Tree Chairs

Nature inspired furniture includes beautiful wooden chairs with tree branches.

Tree Chairs made by talented Los Angeles based artist Pontus Willfors.

Tree Chair

Pontus Willfors Tree

Tree Furniture

Pontus Willfors Tree Chairs

Pontus Willfors Tree Furniture

Pontus Willfors Tree Chair

Pontus Willfors Furniture

Pontus Willfors Sculptures

Pontus Willfors

Also check out: Tree Branch Table and Cardboard Forest

  1. Swiper Fox

    Its NOT a chair. Even if you managed to cut away the excess branches… There is no SEAT to sit on.

  2. ts


  3. Pearl Lambie


  4. pom

    No. They are not chairs. They are tree-like, root-like chair forms. They are art. This is an artistic statement. And, not a bad statement.

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