Realistic Paintings by Mike Dargas

Realistic Paintings by Mike Dargas

Beautiful oil paintings of humans covered in honey and delicious chocolate.

Series of hyperrealistic paintings by talented German artist Mike Dargas.

Mike Dargas

German Painter Mike Dargas

Mike Dargas Realistic Art

Realistic Oil Paintings

Realistic Paintings

Artist Mike Dargas

Painter Mike Dargas

German artist Mike Dargas

Mike Dargas Realistic Paintings

Mike Dargas Paintings

Mike Dargas Art

Mike Dargas Painting

Mike Dargas Hyperrealistic Paintings

Hyperrealistic Paintings

Also check out: Photorealistic Drawing and Realistic Sculptures

  1. Gert

    Not going to lie… the honey as art trend is getting out of hand.

  2. Robin

    Agreed Gert!

  3. Dave

    You’d prefer yogurt perhaps Gert?! :)

  4. Charlie

    Looks great .. Not in yogurt please about chease sauce with mustard …

  5. Eddie

    Trend-driven or not, his talent is impressive and undeniable.

  6. dass

    talented dude, boring art.

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