Waterfall Swing

Waterfall Swing

Innovative swing with computer sensors allows people to swing through the waterfall without getting wet

Waterfall Swing analyzes speed of the rider and creates holes in water.

Water Swing

Swing Waterfall

Rain Swing

Dash 7 Design

Dash 7 Design Waterfall Swing

Wet Swing

Also check out: Waterfall Restaurant and Waterfall Mountain Hotel

  1. Pearl Lambie

    This is brilliant!

  2. Aokiharu

    I loved it!

  3. Zaher Sahyoun


  4. Brouz


  5. katina

    Really nice idea, I´d like to try :) The only disadvatage probably is, that the seat gets wet when no one is swinging…

  6. Jess

    Ive been on one and yes, you still get wet. the seat gets wet and water drips down the chains at times.

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