Rain Activated Street Art

Rain Activated Street Art

Innovative art on the sidewalks of Seattle becomes visible only when it rains.

Hidden messages and clever artworks sprayed with “Always Dry” coating appear only when the pavement becomes wet.

Rainworks are temporary, environmentally safe, and completely non-toxic.

Rainworks Art

Rain Activated Art

Rain Activated Art

Rain Street Art


Rain Art

Rainworks Rain Activated Art

Seattle Rain Activated Art

Seattle Rain Art

Seattle Rain Activated Street Art

Seattle Rainworks

Seattle Rain Street Art

Seattle Rain Activated Art

Also check out: Creative Storm Drain Art from Brazil

  1. Silas

    I would really enjoy seeing this in places, but it would be my bad luck to try skipping around on the hopscotch portion and slip and fall.

  2. Kathy

    Very clever and would certainly bring a smile on a dreary, rainy day!

  3. Gert

    You can use tire shine to do the same thing.

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