Iron Man R2-D2

Iron Man R2-D2

R2-D2 droid from Star Wars painted to look like Iron Man from The Avengers.

Designed by Mike Verta. Real life model created by Kevin Pommenville.

Star Wars Iron Man

Iron Man R2D2

Also check out: AT-AT Dog Costume and Disney Star Wars

  1. Swiper Fox

    Would its name be: J.A.R.V.I.S. or H.O.M.E.R.?

  2. Stephen

    By the way Swiper Fox, its not J.A.R.V.I.S
    Its actually J.A.V.I.S

    It stands for Just A Very Intelligent System.

  3. JKent

  4. Stephen


    Thank You for the correction, I was under the assumption that it was J.A.V.I.S, standing for “Just A Very Intelligent System” and not J.A.R.V.I.S, standing for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System” because the latter seemed to be grammatically incorrect.

  5. hesingswithfrogs

    Lol … JKent bringing the pain!

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