Eye-catching helmet made by Natalie Walsh looks like a reflective disco ball.
San Francisco based fashion designer covered her old motorcycle helmet with mirrored glass tiles and transformed it into a shiny disco ball helmet.
Why make a disco ball helmet? “Because it’s awesome. Nuff said.”
Also check out: Invisible Motorcycle and Creative Helmets
Yeah let’s buy a heap of those and irritate the heck out of everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 7th, 2014
Clementine Binet
As nice as it looks it could have some unwanted reflections and dazzle other road users.
Jun 7th, 2014
So simple, yet no one thought about it. I love it!
But I wonder if it is allowed to wear it (specially in the night)
Jun 7th, 2014
Swiper Fox
Wearing a helmet while riding a bike is good;
but the helmet’s reflective mirror can blind somebody when light bounce back and may cause accidents.
Jun 7th, 2014
Barrie Hall
Safety issue for everyone on the road. Looks cool though.
Jun 7th, 2014
Sure if you are dating Evil Kanevil’s kids.
Jun 9th, 2014
Caco Garcia
You can actually trace the designer whereabouts by checking all the latest news on car crashes and automobile disasters.
The helmed looks great though. So does Natalie.
Jun 9th, 2014
The ultimate helmet for the ultimate hipster. Looks cool though but I agree with everybody else about the safety issues.
Jun 10th, 2014
I’d rather have the disco-ball bra in the 3rd picture.
Jun 13th, 2014