Star Wars Yoga

Star Wars Yoga

Series of creative illustrations by Rob Osborne features popular Star Wars characters in various yoga poses.

Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Yoda, and other iconic Star Wars characters love to do “Star Wars Yoga” in their spare time.

Droid Yoga

Star Wars Yoga by Rob Osborne

Imperial Yoga

Star Wars Yoga Posters

George Lucas Yoga

George Lucas Yoga

Yoda Yoga

Yoda Yoga

Boba Fett Yoga

Boba Fett Yoga

Darth Vader Yoga

Darth Vader Yoga

Princess Leia Yoga

Princess Leia Yoga

Also check out: Yoga Cats and Star Wars Swimsuits

  1. mimi


  2. Dominic

    Vaders “Half Lord of the Fishes” – Talk to the Hand…

  3. misiy

    so cute~!

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