8-Bit Movie Posters

8 Bit Movie Posters

Creative movie posters by Eric Palmer were inspired by the 8-bit graphics of Super Mario Bros. and other classic video games.

Talented artist created “8-bit posters” for Star Wars, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Iron Man, Titanic, and other popular movies.

Kill Bill

8-Bit Kill Bill

Star Wars

8 Bit Star Wars


Eric Palmer

The Dark Knight

Pixel Movie Posters

Harry Potter

8 Bit Movie Posters by Eric Palmer

Jurassic Park

Retro Movie Posters

Office Space

Posters by Eric Palmer

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Pixelated Movie Posters

2001: A Space Odyssey

Movie Posters by Eric Palmer

V for Vendetta

8-Bit Movie Posters


Pixel Art Movie Posters


8Bit Movie Posters


8-Bit Spider-Man

The Matrix

8 Bit Matrix

Iron Man

8 Bit Iron Man

Also check out: Typographic Movie Posters

  1. Kittu


  2. cole

    i never really understood the interest in 8-bit stuff

  3. Chewie

    Haha love these! graphically amazing and retro! Aesthetically pleasing work while keeping unique. Would buy these if it was released on a phone case :D but the Titanic one looks like Megaman but frozen in ice :L

  4. Matt

    gotta love 8 Bit

  5. Ahmet Uzun


  6. lalajoo

    very cute!!

  7. Joe

    Since when does Dr. Manhattan wear underpants?

  8. Goobly


  9. Eve

    ho ho! love the matrix one. Works so well with 8-bit

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