Broken Flowers

Broken Flowers

New York based photographer Jon Shireman soaked beautiful flowers in liquid nitrogen and then smashed them into tiny pieces.

The destruction of frozen flowers was captured with high speed cameras.

Shattered Flower

Shattering Flower

Smashed Flower

Broken Flowers by Jon Shireman

Shattering Flowers

Exploding Flowers

Exploding Flower

Exploded Flower

Exploded Flowers

Smashed Flowers

Frozen Flowers

Shattered Flowers

Shattered Flowers by Jon Shireman

Flowers by Jon Shireman

Frozen Flowers by Jon Shireman

Smashed Flowers by Jon Shireman

Broken Flower

Frozen Flower

Also check out: Shattering Porcelain Figurines

  1. cole

    that’s pretty cool, I like it

  2. E

    Tragic beauty

  3. Betty


  4. Apiz

    We dont need high speed camera for this.

  5. Gert

    Ok… but how is what every single high school science teacher’s demonstration on liquid nitrogen suddenly art?

  6. hi3rophant

    So u call it art?
    This’s truly a vandalism to nature.

    Actualy, the artist was destructing the gifts from the God…

  7. Goobly

    It’s as good as modern art will ever be.

  8. eddie


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