Muppet Hats

Muppet Hats

Creative hats designed by JustZipity look like the beloved characters from Sesame Street and The Muppet Show.

Muppet inspired masks and hats make great Halloween costumes.

Gonzo Hat

Muppets Hats

Muppets Masks

Oscar the Grouch Hat

Muppets Mask

Cookie Monster Hat

Muppet Mask

Abby Cadabby Hat

Muppet Hat

Animal Hat

Muppets Hat

Kermit the Frog Hat

Muppet Costume

Elmo Hat

Muppet Masks

Also check out: Cute and Adorable Kids Halloween Costumes

  1. Nisa Zul

    Cute!!!! ♡

  2. mi

    im gonna get ELMO!!

  3. nerd

    why are these only for kids, they can’t see themselves when wearing them, it would make much more sense to plaster everyone around the kids with them instead

  4. kadal

    my kid would love this….

  5. Hayley

    Good news! They aren’t only for kids, if you check out the shop, they have adult sizes, woot!

  6. JKent

    It looks like muppets are EATING BABIES!!!!

  7. AMADO

    Cutyyyy !!

  8. さえ

    babes are so cute

  9. Eline

    Is there a pattern for The Kermit head? Thank you

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