Drinking Straw Sculptures

Drinking Straw Sculptures

Beautiful three-dimensional sculptures created out of thousands of drinking straws by talented Korean artist Sang Sik Hong.

Unique creations were inspired by human lips, eyes, hands, and faces.

Drinking Straw Art by Sang Sik Hong

Drinking Straw Sculptures by Sang Sik Hong

Drinking Straw Sculpture

Drinking Straws

Straw Art by Sang Sik Hong

Straw Sculptures by Sang Sik Hong


Korean artist Sang Sik Hong

Korean artist Hong Sang Sik

Straw Sculptures

Straw Sculpture

Straw Art

Drinking Straw Sculpture by Sang Sik Hong

Sang Sik Hong

Drinking Straw Art

Straw Sculpture by Sang Sik Hong

Also check out: Typewriter Sculptures and Vinyl Sculptures

  1. LOL

    if take that role of eyes and turn it vertical…. idk what I’m seeing lol

  2. Lilia Smiles

    I love the hand sculpture! They are all so detailed and he must use mountains of straws!

  3. reason

    I enjoy the execution and the skill involved in representing common visuals in an uncommon medium. I miss the uncommon subject.

  4. Glitto

    Incredible work. How many straws were used to make such giant sculptures? Any info about it?

  5. Nisa Zul

    Like seriously its drinking straw? I can really see it.

  6. Nemo

    Holy moley…

  7. Mark

    I wondered why there was a shortage at Walmart! LOL

  8. Douglas

    Big boy version of toy using framed pins to create replica of face, hands etc.

  9. Dustin

    What next? Sculptures made from pencils, light bulbs, forks, matchbox cars? It’s all the same.

  10. ughangstplastic

    I hope the straws are re-purposed.. OR maybe they were already recycled straws??….

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