Hanging Sculptures

Hanging Sculptures

Augusto Esquivel creates incredible three-dimensional sculptures out of thousands of sewing buttons.

Suspended buttons form the shapes of flowers, musical instruments, fire hydrants, toilets, and other familiar objects.

Augusto Esquivel Piano

Sewing Button Sculpture

Sewing Buttons

Button Sculptures

Sewing Button Sculptures

Rubber Ducky

Hanging Button Sculptures

Suspended Sculptures

Suspended Sculpture

Button Sculpture

Augusto Esquivel

Also check out: Skateboard Sculptures and Perspective Sculptures

  1. Sharyn

    They are brilliant. I really love the rubber duckie & the sunflower. It would be interesting to see what happened if someone brushed against one.

  2. Ru

    I could never go to an exhibition with these in. I wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to plunge my hand in there and shake them up like a bead curtain!

  3. Dominic


  4. tara

    imagine if some1 brought a fan in there

  5. Manpreet

    Must have taken a lot of time and measurements. I would hate it if someone messed it up.

  6. Ninja Egg :D

    Am i the only one that thinks the cello looks like cockroaches? :P The rest look nice though.

  7. Chedie

    These are exquisiiiiiiiiiiiite! I can imagine the labor involved! 0_0 Great work!

  8. Shirley

    That’s absolutely breathtaking. I would love to see these in person.

  9. Shu-hsuan

    OMG!!!!!!! how do they do that?!?!?! its amazing!

  10. Gert

    Now THIS is creativity not seen elsewhere!

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