Yoga Cookies

Yoga Cookies

Adorable gingerbread men in different yoga poses created by Patti Paige.

Yoga fans can order these awesome cookies at the Baked Ideas store.

People who love to bake can even buy a set of yoga cookie cutters.

Gingerbread Yoga

Gingerbread Yoga Cookies


Gingerbread Men Yoga

Also check out: Miniature Cookies and 14 Unusual Cookie Cutters

  1. Claire


  2. gunneos

    kama sutra cookies.

  3. kahlie

    Yeah, these all look kind of sexual. I guess it’s the expression they have. Weird. But funny, it brightened my morning.

  4. Professor

    i vote with gunneos on that one

  5. douglas

    Plus eating the kama sutra cookies would be that more enjoyable.

    MMMMMMM – cookies.

  6. Chedie

    It’s awesome and creepy. Yet I want to have at least one. LOL. Kind of sexual in aesthetics but yea, I get the yoga stuff XD

  7. trolololol

    someone needs to put warrior behind downward dog

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