Bicycle Repair Station

Bicycle Repair Station

Bike Fixtation allows cyclists to pump up the tires for free and make simple adjustments using supplied tools.

You can even purchase needed bicycle parts in a vending machine.

Repair Station for your Bike

Bike Repair Station

First self-service bicycle repair station was installed at the Uptown Transit Station in Minneapolis.

If it becomes popular, we will see more Bike Fixtations around the world.

Self Service Bike Kiosk

Bike Fixtation

Bicycle Fixtation


Repair Station

If you love cycling, check out: 17 Cool and Unusual Bike Racks

  1. Tocáte un Tango

    Creative and useful. Just great.

  2. hoershey

    Oh, I love it! But they should have like a basic instruction poster up on the wall… not everybody knows what to do with a flat tyre!

  3. Lucas Dellaretti


  4. Darrell

    SO COOOOL!! We should have these at like every city park!

  5. Celzn

    Very very brilliant!

  6. Meow

    Agreed w\ Darrell. Useful in our parks!

  7. Loxley

    Great! I wish we had them here in the UK :)

  8. Miguelito Garcia

    Very Nice!

  9. Senjugudin

    This would great for bicycle lover as this attract those cyclist from corners of the city gather to self-fix fixtation where they can talk about bicycle and also this promote environment friendly….

  10. Larna

    they should have the same concept for motorbike!

  11. Pete


  12. Joel

    Love it

  13. Jay Moss

    Awesome! Its a shame it woldnt work here in Brazil tho, everything wold probably be stolen on the first day.

  14. claire

    wow! its really useful!:) wish it would be in every park!:)

  15. norma

    This wouldn’t work in South Africa.

  16. Dovie

    I live in Minnesota, so I always see this on my commute downtown. I’ve usually only seen people getting stuff out of the vending machine. We’re pretty bike-friendly here.

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