Klein Vision Flying Car

Klein Vision Flying Car

Innovative flying car designed to transform from cool looking sports car into small airplane in less than 3 minutes.

Flying car made by Klein Vision can go from driving to flying mode with takeoff of 300m, reaching speeds up to 200 km/h.

Two-seat model powered by BMW 1.6l engine weights 1,100kg. Estimated travel range of AirCar is 1,000km and flight consumption of 18 l/h.


KleinVision Flying Car

Klein Vision

Flying Car Concept

Flying Car

Also check out: Flying Car with Retractable Wings

  1. m

    The average moron/driver on the roads today can’t handle a car. And never an airplane. What makes anyone think that such a person will handle a machine which is both?

    Next problem is that your machine can be optimized to be a car or an airplane. Not both. It may attempt to do both, neither optimally.

    If it can, why not include making it a boat simultaneously as well? Maybe a speed boat!

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