World’s Tallest Bicycle

Worlds Tallest Bicycle

Extremely tall bicycle designed by California based inventor Richie Trimble.

“Stoopidtall” 15 foot bicycle is the tallest fully rideable bicycle in the world.

Worlds Tallest Bike

Richie Trimble

Stoopid Tall

Stoopidtall Bicycle


Richie Trimble Stoopidtall

Richie Trimble Bike

Richie Trimble Bicycle

Also check out: Spider Bicycle and Lawnmower Bicycle

  1. f sdf

    once you start you can’t stop..

  2. Ten

    How did he die?
    He fell off from the bicycle!

  3. Swiper Fox

    @ Ten
    He could also die when he crashed into LOW BRIDGE or got tangled on powerlines.

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