3D Paintings by Keng Lye

3D Paintings by Keng Lye

Beautiful three-dimensional artworks painted by talented artist Keng Lye on multiple layers of transparent resin.

Realistic animals emerge from bowls with clear resin. Great 3D illusion.

Inspired by Riusuke Fukahori‘s creative painting technique, Singapore based painter has taken the art of 3D Painting to the next level.

Layered 3D Painting

Layered Paintings

3D Paintings

3D Painting

Resin 3D Paintings

Realistic 3D Paintings

Resin Paintings

Resin Painting

Layered Painting

3D Artworks

3D Artwork

Realistic 3D Painting

Keng Lye Singapore

Artist Keng Lye

Keng Lye

Painter Keng Lye

Layered 3D Paintings

Resin 3D Painting

Paintings by Keng Lye

Also check out: 3D Street Art and Creative Hand Paintings

  1. Joe

    So… which part is the painting? Unreal… :|

  2. Chewie

    @Joe, It’s very real, they paint on a resin layer which is transparent, this gives the 3D effect. The artist hand paints the image.

  3. Jecod

    @Joe exactly. they look so 3D, but in fact they are in 2D!

  4. Erin

    this is amazing! ♥

  5. Crystal

    Those are awsome. You really can’t tell that it is a picture. Do you sell them, and do you have more to show? How much do they run in price?

  6. Andréa Gray

    These are extremely cool. Being a youth I was a little stunned and filled with disbelief! It seems like a really cool skill to have!

  7. saeed


  8. vanessa

    they all look awsome especialt the shools of gold fish!!! lov em all :)

  9. BLUE

    I wonder if the reason these artist don’t use a glass box is because the illision is lost (or difficult to create) when all angles can be viewed. I’m curious in what a transparent box or a cross section of a piece would look like :)

  10. nanobelle

    I want these so bad I can’t bear it. That beautiful fantail, those wonderful turtles and that magnificent octopus…the skill is extraordinary. I am filled with awe over those crayfish.

  11. Rae

    I watched a bunch of videos on him DOING this when this first went viral. His work is absolutely amazing.

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