Amazing Origami Sculptures

Amazing Origami Sculptures

Wonderful paper sculptures created by talented origami artist Shuki Kato.

Folded creations look like different animals and fictional characters.

Origami Triceratops

Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton Origami

Origami Giraffes

Origami Tarantula

Origami Eagle

Origami Shark

Origami Art


Origami Dragon

Origami Koi

Origami Unicorn

Origami Scorpion

Origami Sea Turtle

Origami Orangutan

Origami Swordsman

Origami Fish

Origami Oryx

Origami Elephant

Origami Beetle

For more creative origami sculptures, check out: Dollar Bill Origami

  1. Ninja Egg :D


  2. TwinkleTinytot

    :O wow!

  3. Katie

    I love the scorpion and the scarab! But they are all amazing… so impressive.

  4. Sharyn

    So was I the only one who did sound effects for the T-Rex? Rawwrrrr

  5. Xuchilbara

    Oooo man, I wish I can get a closer look on Origami Guyver… Its my favorite manga/anime character… =.= *sighing

  6. bryant yee

    i would love to see a time-lapse video of one of these! awesome stuff

  7. dom

    WTF these are amazing lol

  8. Daniel

    Amazing origami, sure, but they were not CREATED by Shuki Kato, at least not all of them. Among others, I identified Kamiya Satoshi, robert Lang and John Montroll works. Mr. Shuki Kato may have folded the ones showed on the pictures, but not created ’em all. =)

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