Minimal Portraits

Minimal Portraits

Creative illustrations by talented designer and photographer Ali Al Sumayin.

Dubai based artist created simple and clean portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Barack Obama, Gandhi, Larry King, Adolf Hitler, and other public figures.

Saddam Hussein

Marilyn Monroe

Barack Obama


Diego Maradona

King of Saudi Arabia

Larry King

Adolf Hitler

Also check out: Simplified Logos and Simplified Packaging

  1. shiry

    I LOVE IT!!!!

  2. Sydney

    was it just me who thought Gandhi looked like the kernel

  3. Thinking Insomniac

    Really cool!

  4. MochiPu

    @sydney I think Gandhi look more like Col. Sanders for me XD hahaha

  5. Sydney

    Yeah sorry thats what i meant the guy from KFC

  6. Juliee

    urm why is adolf hitler there? he is so not worthey enough

  7. gnarfi

    that isnt hitler its charlie chaplin
    just imaging the hat to the portrait

  8. Nisa Zul

    haha… cute!

  9. Darrell

    Haha Nah, Syd. Not seein it. Just looks like Ghandi to me. :P Maybe I just dont have the imagination.
    These are perty cool though.

  10. Bobby

    @Sydney: Totally. And in a Kimono at that!! lol

  11. Sebastian

    Amazing! I recognized every one of them. I was especially impressed with Obama because I’m not a US citizen and don’t see to much of him.

  12. michele

    superb! love them all!

  13. tara

    very cool taking the trade mark fetures

  14. kadal

    i tought that was morpheus (matrix)….than i realize…wow…that was gandhi????

  15. Rebekah

    I didn’t recognize Obama and I AM a US citizen.

  16. Dale

    These are great, but it is Barack, not Barak. Intentional?

  17. chelsea

    i dont think the gandhi one looks like col. sanders but rather tobias from arrested development. cool designs!

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