Guns Carved into Wooden Desks

Guns Carved into Wooden Desks

Ben Turnbull, a controversial artist from London, creates unusual works of art by carving the shapes of toy weapons into wooden school desks.

The artist, passionate critic of the American political system, explains why he uses toys in his work: “Force fed on violence, abused by a controlling superpower and blackmailed through patriotism, the public are ultimately as disposable as the toys they once played with”.

Pistols Carved into a Wooden Desk

Weapon Carved into a Wooden Desk

Gun Carved into a Wooden Desk

Weapon Carved into a Desk

Gun Carved into a Desk

Revolver Carved into a Wooden Desk

Gun Carved into a Table

Also check out: Edible Guns Made of Ice

  1. Sassy

    So f-in cool and I want one!

  2. James Anzalone


  3. GustaveCo


  4. Arkwright

    Absolutely worthwhile as art.

  5. 2LV2


    In school desks???!!!

    Am I the only one that sees a problem with this?

    Art yes, maybe, but lets leave the kids out of art. What say?

  6. Chopski

    No, let’s definitely not leave kids out of art.

  7. aditia

    very cool like from the old age

  8. Alan Laing

    “oooh please who will think of the children”
    “let’s keep kids out of art”

    Don’t you get it….

    “Force fed on violence, abused by a controlling superpower and blackmailed through patriotism, the public are ultimately as disposable as the toys they once played with”

    He’s talking about you not kids….he’s talking about all of us who have grown up surrounded by our government’s violence. Their war mongering ways. Killing millions.

  9. jalal

    Arts Madness

  10. Celzn

    This is really great!

  11. Chad

    Interesting idea to use old school desk tops for art projects.

  12. timmay

    this is cool.

  13. Urban Gardens

    Hmm, with that headline, until I looked, I thought the guy was making desks out of guns. Nice carvings!

  14. Raads

    @ Alan Laing: soo true! i didnt get it at first, i was really confused! but the art of it is amazing. you have to have some super ass talent to be able to do that!!

  15. creatoy

    The idea is brilliant, i mean the concept couldn’t be better explained, guns on school desks, its a genuine form of claiming.

  16. Julie

    That’s quite cool but the artist is such a DOUCHE.

  17. so

    “lets leave the kids out of art”

    wow, listen to yourself

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