Creative Statues Promoting London Ink

Creative Statues Promoting London Ink

London Inc reality TV show on the Discovery Channel has commissioned two giant statues to be build and installed in London for promotion.

First statue located near London Bridge features a life-like swimmer swimming through the grass.

Second statue located at Victoria Station features a giant woman trying to get into a photo booth.

London Ink Swimmer 2

London Ink Swimmer 3

London Ink Swimmer 4

London Ink Swimmer

London Ink Swimmer 5

London Ink Swimmer 6

London Ink Swimmer 7

London Ink Swimmer 8

London Ink Statue

London Ink Statue 2

London Ink Statue 3

London Ink Statue 4

Also check out: Discovery Channel Shark Building


    London Ink, not London Inc.

  2. FJSKDL:

    this is sooooo cool, but what the F**k is with the tatoos? can you ask the peeps

  3. mookylatte

    The swimmer’s best effect is the grass!

  4. yaa

    you guys are immature

  5. required

    so how are people supposed to interact when there’s a “Do Not Touch” fence around it?

  6. Sian Griffiths

    Who was the artist who created these statues? I would like to know as I and a group of friends re-enacted the swimmer today. We would like to share the images with the artist/creator. Sia. 4/9/14

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